I am passionate not only about research, but outreach and science communication. Check out the different projects under my Research page for accessible and interactive summaries of my scientific articles.
I regularly participate in Comptoir des Sciences and public science events in France such as Fête de la Science, Festival Pop'Science, and Conferences Embarquées, which I first learned about during my first postdoc in Lyon from 2018 - 2020.
During my PhD, I learned how to do outreach and events through my participation in the University of Florida Natural Resource Diversity Initiative (NRDI).
In addition to participating in established outreach programs, I make presentations for classes and groups of all ages both in person and virtually about bats, wildlife, antibiotic resistance, and research in general via Skype A Scientist, Comptoir des Sciences, Declics, and any individual requests I receive.
I am always available to give any advice or tips for programs I have been able to participate in, such as National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program (NSF GRFP), Fulbright grants, or National Geographic Early Career grants. Feel free to contact me about any of these programs!
I regularly participate in Comptoir des Sciences and public science events in France such as Fête de la Science, Festival Pop'Science, and Conferences Embarquées, which I first learned about during my first postdoc in Lyon from 2018 - 2020.
During my PhD, I learned how to do outreach and events through my participation in the University of Florida Natural Resource Diversity Initiative (NRDI).
In addition to participating in established outreach programs, I make presentations for classes and groups of all ages both in person and virtually about bats, wildlife, antibiotic resistance, and research in general via Skype A Scientist, Comptoir des Sciences, Declics, and any individual requests I receive.
I am always available to give any advice or tips for programs I have been able to participate in, such as National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program (NSF GRFP), Fulbright grants, or National Geographic Early Career grants. Feel free to contact me about any of these programs!
How to Extract DNA at Home!
Lecture for Brookline Adult and Community Education
Protéger les chauves-souris cavernicoles. 2021. Spelunca Magazine. Issue 161, Page 62-63. (French)
Anders Hansen – From Ancient DNA to Zoonotic Diseases. 2018. University of Florida Biodiversity Institute Blog. https://biodiversity.research.ufl.edu/anders-hansen-from-ancient-dna-to-zoonotic-diseases/
What are coronaviruses? 2018. University of Florida Biodiversity Institute Blog. https://biodiversity.research.ufl.edu/what-are-coronaviruses/
Anders Hansen – From Ancient DNA to Zoonotic Diseases. 2018. University of Florida Biodiversity Institute Blog. https://biodiversity.research.ufl.edu/anders-hansen-from-ancient-dna-to-zoonotic-diseases/
What are coronaviruses? 2018. University of Florida Biodiversity Institute Blog. https://biodiversity.research.ufl.edu/what-are-coronaviruses/
How to Respond to Difficult Or Negative Peer-Reviewer Feedback by Natalie Parletta in Nature Index
Antibiotics: Modelling how antimicrobial resistance spreads between wards by Tjibbe Donker in eLife
Antibiotic use patterns and patient transfers in hospitals may drive the emergence of drug resistance in News Medical
"Career Connection" feature in Chapter 16. Community Ecology, OpenStax Biology 2e textbook, by Laura Baumgartner